
Showing WebP images

Load the webp_converter template tag in your template:

{% load webp_converter %}

Replace usage of the static tag with the static_webp tag. For example:

<img src="{% static_webp 'img/hello.jpg' %}">

The user will be shown a WebP version of the image if their browser supports it (currently Chrome & Opera). Otherwise, they will be shown the original static file.

You can also specify the quality of the WebP image. For example:

<img src="{% static_webp 'img/hello.jpg' 70 %}">

Clearing the cache

Clear the cache and delete the WebP images folder by running the command:

./ clear_webp_cache

By default this will display a confirmation prompt. If you would like to clear the cache without receiving any prompts, you can run:

./ clear_webp_cache --no-input